Alright I get it. You are in the coffee shoppe and you run into someone you know and you start to catch up. Pretty soon you are talking about the kids and vacation and the shit you are doing at church. Gail says she can't believe how good Cindy looks and Tom and Bill start talking golf. So nice to see old friends lamenting on times gone by.
It seems the coffee shoppe is well equipped, they have plenty of seats and a case full of tremendous baked goods. Yummy treats for sure. There is a small group of patrons waiting in an unusual line to freshen up their morning cup of Joe. The crowd seems unusual for this place. Normally things flow very smoothly through the self service coffee station. Patients is waning as more and more people are forced to squeeze in this normally free flowing area.
The engineer in me looks for the root cause of the problem. It seems very simple to me.
SOMEONE NEEDS TO PUSH GAIL, CINDY, BILL AND TOM THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE COFFEE!!!!! There are perfectly good seats available for kibitz. But no you selfish fucks need to stand there, oblivious to the fact that you are totally holding up the show. Not for a minute in passing. But for ten to fifteen minutes. In the great words of Gunnery Sergeant Hartman "Choke Yourself!"
Thanks for your time.
Copyright 2010 Dunbridge Truckstop Global Media
Of course I knew their names!