Saturday, May 23, 2009

Four Letter Words

Here I am D-Day plus 765. What a learning experience this has been. I used to pride myself as being someone who never really showed a whole lot of emotion. It is not that I didn't have any emotions I just thought they were none of your business. They were for me only. It is funny that it took the death of my mother and the loss of my career to really make me question my life choices. To anyone who says that loosing your job and starring into the face of loosing everything else isn't an emotional battle I truly beg to differ.
I have been cursing longer than I care to imagine and for the most part I love a good barrage of curse words. But lately with my current situation I find that there is one curse word that seems to be making a move from bad to good for me. The love I have been shown over the last two plus years has been nothing short of extraordinary. My friends and family have shown me more support than I ever knew was possible. Without their love I would not have made it this far and have had the strength to go forward. For this I will forever be grateful and I love you all.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Screaming Insincerity

I love the fact that we have been relegated to find more and more emotionless forms of communication. Is just seems like in this age of the text message people have become masters at saying things with the least possible meaning and use it more as a tool of avoidance than of sincere communication. LOL has become the new generic slang term for everything. I mean come on when was the last time someone sent you the LOL and you felt like it was saying anything other that "fuck right off with your trite drivel"? If people meant any part of LOL there would be a lot of people in public LAUGHING OUT LOUD. We don't see this do we? NO. LOL as become the not so secret slap in the face. The "I can't believe I am wasting this time" gesture. Hopefully if you have read this far then you are LOL whatever that means!!!!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Can You Spell Photosysnthesis

After all it was just barbiturates. Nathan could not believe his ears. Carpet reaped of nonsense as the bell curve smoothed out the verdict. The keen edge wavered with an intent on the afterlife. Hugh knowingly walked into the vigilante history books. Anywhere but here screamed the lawnmower. Spring has bloomed yet again, so now there's that. Over and over and over and over again. Mathew commented briefly. Stubble blanks haphazardly from the harsh remarks. My day has just begun yet the biscuits already know their outcome.

Reprinted with permission.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009