Friday, December 26, 2008

In The Mirror, Is It Always A Reflection?

It is usually around this time of year when I pose the following question: What do you do when practicality gets in the way of reason? This question was thrown out there in order to provoke conversation and debate the mundane things in our daily lives. I find my self very nostalgic and a smidgen cynical this time a year and catch my self thinking about relationships and life goals and ponder the things holding me back.

Is it reason getting in the way of not only practicality but also locking the things we are most afraid of away? I find it very ironic that the things I think I want the most of out of life are the same things I tend to sabotage first and be scared of the most. Now don't get me wrong I think I have grown as a person over the years and for the first time in my life I try to end each day as a better person than I was the day before. Yet for some reason there are things in my life that I really want to happen and feel as though my life won't be complete until they do, but are never complete for whatever reason. They are the first items on my personal "to do" list and also the first items on my subconscious sabotage list.

Is this what happens when subconscious practicality gets int he way of conscious reason?

I leave that up to you to decide.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at the Truckstop


Monday, December 1, 2008

Give Thanks

As you can see by the photo a good time was had by all at the the First Annual Dunbridge Truckstop Thanksgiving Day Celebration!!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanks again really.

It has been a trying week on many fronts with emotions running high as we ramp into the holiday season. I have seen acts of giving this week that have stopped me in my tracks. I had the privilege of hearing Taps played a a funeral this week and to say the least it was gut wrenching. Loosing a loved one is hard especially if it is a parent. I got to see it from a different perspective this week and the love and the strength and the people that rose to the occasion to offer comfort and support were amazing. There is strength in numbers my friends. Happy Thanksgiving and we'll talk again someday Big Ray, tell my mom I said hello.



Check out the god folks @ Pretty good head!


My ears produce a silly amount of ear wax. Silly I say!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I just want to say thank you to my family and friends for getting me through what has been a very trying year. Without the love and support of the people around me I am nothing. Please take some time this holiday season to reflect on what is really important in your life and embrace it. Thank you all from my very full heart.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Gues which one is Michael?

New Mizuznak

Just picked up the new John Mellencamp "Life Death Love and Freedom" sort of fits the perspective of the season and times. I have a great respect for him and think this is a worthy effort. Pick it up and fill your ears. They'll love it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Friction Burn

Dust calms with a silent settling brought about by an opposing irony. Hiding in the glory of all the melancholy life can buy. Every fiber awake but tired. If it were not for the wood grain would age even be a factor? Noisy steel on steel speaks loudly but lacks confidence. Steady as she goes. Steady as she goes.

Not so Fall

The weather today is beautiful in the 70's and bright sunshine. Makes you forget winter is coming. Gas is $1.91 a gallon haven't seen that in a long time.

Get out and Vote

The staff of the Dunbridge Truckstop encourages everyone to get out and vote your conscious today.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Thanks To Everyone

This weekends festivities were a huge success. I just wanted to thanks everyone for making it so special.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall spectacular at the truckstop!

The Truckstop would like to send out a warm welcome to my cousins from IL. It has been to long and can't wait to see them.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Celebrating 50 Years of Service

This makes the fiftieth year for the Dunbridge Truckstop. More events and information later.
